pp108 : Connection Point Configuration Interface

Connection Point Configuration Interface

This topic describes the Connection Point configuration interface.



The Connection Point configuration interface has the following:

  • Name: Denotes the name of the Connection Point.
  • Type: The following are the various types of connection points and respective parameters available in the Process Platform.
If the Type is Parameters
  • Computer - Select the computer on which the service container is running.
  • Port - Mention the number on which the connection point is to be created. If the port number specified is already in use by some other connection point, you are prompted to provide another port number.
    Note: When the port number is specified as 0 (zero), the service container generates a valid port number when it starts. If a non-zero number is specified, ensure that it falls in the correct port range. Refer to Port Ranges within Process Platform for more information.
  • Enable SSL - Select this option to enable the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communication.
    Note: For the SSL to work, you must set the sslsocket.public.keystore property in the wcp.properties file.
  • Use Compression - Select this option if zipsocket is used instead of normal socket.

If you select Distributed Transaction option, provide the parameters as follows. This option is selected by default.

  • Machine Name - Specify the computer name
  • Queue Name - Specify the queue name
  • XA Queue Resource Configuration - This is optional and can be left blank.
  • Transaction Manager Configuration - For instance, provide com.cordys.xatransaction.msdtc.MSDTC in this field.

If you do not select Distributed Transaction option, provide the parameters as follows:

  • MSMQ Server - Specify the server name
  • Queue - Specify the queue name
If you select the Private Queue option, private$ is appended to the URI field information. This is selected by default. For example: msmq://<Machine Name>/private$\ <Queuename>

If the Distributed Transaction option is selected, following parameters are to be filled. This option is selected by default.

  • Queue Name - Specify the queue name
  • XA Queue Resource Configuration - For instance, provide com.cordys.transport.jms.ActiveMqprovider in this field.
  • Transaction Manager Configuration - For instance, provide com.cordys.xatransaction.java.Atomikos in this field.

If the Distributed Transaction option is not selected, following parameters are to be filled.

  • JMS Vendor - The type of JMS implementation being used. This can be one of the following:
    • J2EE
    • OpenJMS
    • IBM MQ Series
    • Other
      Note: If Other is selected as the JMS Vendor, a text box is displayed to specify the Service Provider Class. The Service Provider Class is a Java class provided by the implementation software to connect to the queue server.
  • Provider URL - The URL in the form of protocol: //<Server Name>:<Port Number>
    • For J2EE - iiop://<Server Name>:<Default Port Number>
    • For OpenJMS - rmi://<Server Name>:<Default Port Number>/JndiServer
    • For IBM MQ Series - <<file:\C:\<installationDirectory>>>
  • Factory - A connection factory is used to create a connection to the JMS provider. The administrator uses the connection configuration parameters to create this connection.
  • Queue - The destination object where the message is to be sent or received from.
  • Authentication Type - The type of authentication to be followed for the JMS server. 
    • None - Specifies anonymous authentication
    • Simple - Simple security level for the JMS servers
    • Strong - Strong security level for the JMS servers 
      Note: If you select either Simple or Strong, you must specify the Username and Password for authentication.

Enables you to specify a connection point other than those available in the Process Platform. You must specify the connection point URI in the URI text box.

  • URI - Displays a preview of the URI. In case you have selected any of the above types except Other, the URI is populated automatically depending upon the details provided.


  • In case an incorrect key store or password is provided while setting them through the procedure described above, the administrator must correct the service connection point entry details through the Content Management utility in the Management Console .
  • The JMS servers that are currently supported (J2EE, OpenJMS, and IBM MQ Series) do not require any authentication with user credentials, with their default service providers. Therefore, for all the above servers, authentication is not required. However, in a real time deployment scenario, authentication is mandatory. In case of problems, contact your JMS Administrator for help.

Related concepts

Simple Object Access Protocol

Related tasks

Creating a Service Container
Modifying a Service Container
Creating a Service Group
Modifying Service Group Configuration

Related reference

OS Process Configuration Interface
Service Container Properties Interface
Logging Configuration Interface
Service Container Details
Port Ranges within Process Platform

Related information

Configuring OS Processes for a Service Container
Managing Client Connection Point Groups
Managing Connection Points